Turnover development
The stability of our company is documented in the development of annual turnover, which had risen from the original CZK 5.4 million in 1999 to CZK 313 million in 2014. Our target for next future periods is to keep stability a turnover grow as we have in this time.
The most important customers
Our company is one of the most important supplier for lots of companies within Czech Republic. Among our most important customers are: Continental Automotive Group, WITTE NEJDEK spol. s r.o., KOSTAL s.r.o., ŠKODA Auto a.s., Ingersoll-Rand group, the Doosan Bobcat s.r.o.
Grow of company employees
Progress of our company is able to express by rising number of employees. The number of employees in construction and development increased from 5 (in 1999) and at the end of 2014 reached 135. In design center in Pardubice we have 40 engineers and 50 emploeeys in production. For contract engineering we are able to offer 35 engineers.